Photo by: @Leticia
Larissa Hobbs
Leticia Hunt
Roger Coleman
Natalia Scott
Leticia Hunt
Roger Coleman
Larissa Hobbs
Natalia Scott
Laci Jordan and vulnerability usually don't fall in the same sentence. Both of my parents are SUPER strong people. I just don't mean emotionally, they're strong in regards of EVERYTHING. I remember a time where my dad had a major cut on his hand. We went to the emergency room for stitches and the wait was long. Did we wait? No. We went to CVS and picked up a sewing kit and my dad did it himself with me as his assistant – THAT type of strong. Their strength and resilience is something that I'm blessed with but in the same breath my strength is also my curse.
Moving to LA really made me realize a lot of things about myself. When I moved I didn't know anyone so essentially it put me in a place of isolation. A place where I finally had to look at myself and see both the good and the bad. Which led me down the road of working on vulnerability (like 2 1/2 years later lol). One part of my vulnerability journey is realizing the value in relationships, more importantly friendships. I've always valued my friends but I always held back certain parts of my life, the more embarrassing parts. The "girl my account in the negative" parts. Honestly... anything that required 100% vulnerability I wasn't talking about it. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't been on out here being just surface level with my people but I would hold back in certain situations or feel like I can't be open ALL the time. I think my friend Natalia is the one who made me realize it and she doesn't even know (well until she reads this, hey girl!). I can't remember the exact convo but we were talking about family a few years ago and I realized we have a TON in common. I was like GIRL LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MINE! It was a load off my chest, I realized in that moment that my friends have similar things going on and that we're all just trying to figure out life as adults. After that moment I thought "okay, she gets it, we can talk about anything, I can be open."
Friends aren't here just to go out and have a good time with. These are the people you'll share the rest of your life with (hopefully if y'all have good friends). Friends are the ones you can go to and vent about that negative account, or your crazy family member that went to jail. Those are the people you share your dreams with. You tell them your faults and again (if they're good) they'll help you become a better person. I'm a chronic over-analyzer which sometimes hurts but also helps. A few weeks ago I looked at my friends and can pin point what good they bring to my life. From reminding me of my purpose to giving me a piece of their loving and carefree spirit (Hey Roger lol).
Friends are everything, and being vulnerable is looking at the purest version of yourself. While I'm still working on the latter I'm blessed to have great ass people in my life. The photos above are shots I've taken of a few friends. Sometimes on the weekends we'll get together and just create dope content (which I'll talk about in a later post). Friends that create together, get money together, eat wingstop together, and get successful together.
Also, follow my friends above because they're dope AF
Natalia: ovonatlia
Leticia: letetecia
RogeR: Rog3rthis
Larissa: RIISSKY20