Fall Staples


Its finally Friday! The last few weeks have felt so long but then I looked at the calendar and realized that Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is right around the corner. I'm trying to get ahead of the curve and get my life together before the new years resolution talk starts. If I start now my goal would be to keep it up instead of creating a goal to start. I'm breaking down my goals into categories and in my "self care" category I have a goal to explore my style and rework items in my closet.  I have this issue with finding clothes combinations I like and never moving away from that, eventually I get bored and demand a whole new wardrobe. 

I'm proud of myself, lately when I shop I seriously only buy things I need or that I just love so much I really can't be without it. I'm learning that I'm slowly building a "utility closet" a basic set of clothing that I can rework in different ways. One of my fall staples is this green & leather jacket from H&M, its the perfect mix of femininity and masculinity and can be worn a million ways. I'm really into pieces that can easily fit into streetwear and also be worn to work. You may notice that dress from my DC trip, its obviously a fav. 

I'm really into this whole goal setting thing.  And becoming strategic when I shop is actually fun because I find myself looking harder for original pieces and/or things that I really cant live without.  I'll share some more of my pre resolution goals shortly. In the meantime, what are your staples for the fall?