All Gold Everything


I'm finally on vacation and I couldn't be happier! The month of December has been a rough one and I'm ready to lay around, stuff myself with food, and do nothing. More than anything I'm excited to have a little time to catch up on freelance work and brainstorm about my goals/projects going into 2016.  I mentioned in my last post that I'm very adamant about going forward with all my projects I've had in mind and goals that I've been meaning to set in motion. 


I have a long list of things that I want to work on and I'm making a conscious effort to start each goal before the new year, no matter how small the start is. I plan to share in detail things i'm working on over time but my three main categories are health/wellness, design, and finance. 


Overall I need to take better care of myself, ranging from working out to treating myself to things like massages and spa days more often. Over the last year and a half I've lost close to 40 pounds, and while I'm more confident in the skin I'm in, I'm not keeping my body in the shape it needs to be in. My wellness and finance category has something in common and thats shopping. In regards of health/wellness I'm including a "self care" category.

I love to shop! but after moving to LA and becoming fully independent I realized its really not that smart to blow money all the time. It took me awhile but I stopped shopping, I will really only buy things when an occasion is coming up and usually I splurge, which really defeats the purpose of not shopping as much. I'm realizing that going cold turkey isn't good for me because I just get out of control whenever I do shop. So going forward I'm creating a budget that allows a "self care" allowance. First things first.... I have to create a budget, just pray for me lol.

Adding on to me pursing all my dreams, I want to work harder on knowing all the ends and outs of art/design. Not just knowing how to work the programs, but making sure I'm always learning history and become more in tune with the design/art community. That means taking more classes, reading more books, and spending more hours designing.

At this point you're probably thinking.. what does this have to do with your photos? absoulutely nothing. but adding on to self care, I've started buying statement pieces and expanding my wardrobe. Including that brown coat that I purchased for my trip home (to Alabama) but to my surprise LA has been colder than Bama the last few days. I also peeped out those Metallic Gold #ThreeNines Reebok Pumps from Ruvilla and knew I had to have them, no questions asked. 

What are your goals for 2016? I can't believe I just typed 2016.. is this really happening? 

Shoes / Coat / the jacket isn't online but that one is similar // photo cred: @shannondidwhat